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Az AgroFilter azért alakult meg, hogy a karbolsemlegesség kérdését gyorsan és egyszerűen oldja meg bárki számára. Az appon keresztül lehetőséged nyílik majd felmérni mekkora a karbon lábnyomod és transzparens lekötési módokon keresztül semlegesíteni azt, mint például karbon kreditek segítségével.

What we do is create a platform where people can offset their carbon offset emission with a monthly membership subscription. We differentiate ourselves from other market players by providing an overall solution connecting both sides of the transaction. We precisely measure the carbon footprint of our users, then we offer a solution with what they can offset their carbon emission and we transparently show them the full process of the offsetting. We do this with little to no hardware so we use an easily globally scalable system. After the offsetting, the fee of the monthly subscription can be spent at our business partners.


Csapat: Czigány Balázs; Dengi Marcell; Hartvig Áron; Kósa Dorottya

szektor: Agriculture; Sustainability

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